Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Let our troop out of Iraq!

I completely agree with Michael Weikman's opinion about the American troop were risk at Iraq in his article "Keep the peace". He tells us about the signed agreement to pull troops out of Iraq by 2011; many Iraqi extremist want the troop out immediately; or U.S Marine and soldier were shot at Baghdad... These above evidences are also the reasons why a large of the Americans support the idea "let out troops out of Iraq" soonest. We know the war in Iraq has lengthened six years and we don't know when it will end until the agreement was signed. Over 4000 soldiers were killed in Iraq that made their families felt deep grief. Moreover, our country spent a lot of money for military and recovery in Iraq that contributes to our economic crisis at current time.
Michael gives us strong and sharp opinion about "the world is at a brink of chaos, wars are being waged in other countries and we sit in our homes in luxury not knowing of the situation that awaits us in the real world. It would seem our leaders have their work cut out for them;". Yep, we can see the conflict between Russia and Georgia; or the conflict between China, Taiwan and Vietnam that can make world wars happen again. And our leaders try to make negotiations to limit wars as such as limit death and money. I also agree with him at this point.
However, I have different opinion with him about the war in Iraq. I don't think there is irony of war was waged to keep peace because I still remember many unrestrained American people died in disaster 9/11 in 2001. Some persons like Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein,... want to control our world and kill many people. If we can not negotiate, war is the better way to control the bad countries and keep the peace for the other countries.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Burdens for the new government

It is not easy for Mr. Obama and his new government at the current time because they have to work a lot to help our country get out from the economic crisis.

We know that the Bush's government spent a lot of money from budget for the Iraq war in his terms and just spell out $700 millions to rescue the economic depression but it is not enough to overcome the current crisis. Besides, many American people loose their jobs because many business companies closed their production plans and moved to some other countries like China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia...Moreover, we have a lot of debts held partly by China that will affect the nation's security and the unemployment rate. Meanwhile inside our country, many banks cut down the loan for house and education that makes the disaster for real estate companies and students.

Mr. Obama has just been winner hardly to be the First black U.S. President and now he and his team in government continue to face with the external and internal crisis. He has some plans to deal with the economy and foreign policy such as providing tax cuts for vast of American people or withdraw troops from Iraq in 2011,... This is a huge test for his job and the burdens for his new government. Many American people are waiting for his change in economic policies that is the solution for current crisis.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Ron Paul is better?

My classmate - Steven Tran - wrote strong emotional article "We are doomed :(" about two candidates in last Vote 2008: Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. John McCain. He criticized that both of them are puppets, clowns, and evils. He also commentated President Bush is terrible. One thing makes me surprised when he voted for Mr. Ron Paul who is also old like McCain and lost in early primary vote.
I feel interested when I read his comment because his opinion is strong, bold and certain. I had the same confusion for two candidates. However, he didn't give us strong evidents why he thought both candidates are bad and why Mr. Ron Paul is better? that makes his critic less convincible.
I also disagree with him about ideas"we are forced to pick the lesser of the two evils" or "we are forced to live in a country where the majority of voters (a.k.a. majority of the nation's citizens) make uninformed decisions...". Majority of voters vote for Obama because they think he can make more profit than the other. We can vote for any candidate we like, no one can forced us except ourselves.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Again, my topic is still on “vote for 2008”. There is only four days before Election Day, we will know who the next President of the United States is. This is a complex election in which has many opinions and news that make my family as such as the other families’ hard choice to vote for.

Beginning of this primary vote, my family supported to Democrat party. We voted for Mrs. Hillary Clinton who we thought that she has more experience than Mr. Obama and she has her husband besides her that helps her a lot in solving the serious problem if she becomes a president. But in June, she lost in that battle and Mr. Obama becomes a nominee.

For the next choice between Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama, we began to observe and listen to the news or the opinions on TV and newspapers. But the more we observe them, the more we feel worse and worse. Even they makes us confuse and hard choice to vote. There are always two sides on the news or in the opinions. One side have told that Mr. McCain is too old, so he will not have the wise decision for country in the future because his health; or he did wrong choice when picked Mrs. Sarah Palin for his vice president because she is not intelligent and has some problems in her family; or he did not persuade the American people about his economy policy because his party used to defend for rich people while the nation are in economic depression… Oppositely, the other side told that Mr. Obama has relative with Muslim; or his slogan is “ Change”, but how he can change our country when he did not have experience before; or his tax’ policy is cut down tax for working people, but makes disadvantageous for rich people who will create more jobs and profit for government…

With the current economic recession, Democrat party has more advances and maybe Mr. Obama will be the president. Maybe, American people are in thought of Mr. Obama as Mr. Franklin Roosevelt who succeeded with “New Deals” to solve the depression in 1930s and hope that Democrat party will reform and raise the economy. However, in finally my family as the greater of Vietnamese people who don’t know much about the government here, will support Mr. McCain who had ever attended in military and had merit of Vietnamese immigration in the past time. We think he has more experience than Mr. Obama and has strong and settled decision like Mr. Washington or Mr. Theodore Roosevelt who are famous and successful generals become presidents.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Does racial discrimination still remain inside of Americans?

Racism always exists in every country all over the world. It is also a big problem for the United States' election 2008 because this is the first time Democrat party choose Mr. Barack Obama, the black president nominee.

There are many opinions of people over the world about this problem, especially British. Jonathan Foreman, managing editor of StandpointOnline of UK, argues with some British commentators such as historian Tristram Hunt,... about the question race and America on Leader of the Pack. He partially agrees that pretty rich coming from a country which is decades away from offering blacks and other minorities the kind of opportunities available in the U.S. It is indeed significant that we Americans have an extremely popular black candidate for president. However, he persuades us by showing a lot of black people work in U.S government like black Supreme Court justices, Thurgood Marshall in 1967; CEOs of major corporations, like American Express’s Kenneth Chenault. He also that convinces that Britain has had many Cabinet members, example the U.S. Air Force’s Gen. B.O. Davis Jr being appointed in 1954. He gives the comment that America’s record on race deserves less condescension and a lot more respect from Britons and Europeans.

I agree with him that we have had alot of black people in our government in the past and now. Maybe the black man in a racist America is beginning to change. In my own opinion, we should respect the black people who are really talent and honor. I and somebody have ever thought that we did not respect the black people because we used to see they were bad on the news such as cruel acts or violences; not their skin. So I hope that Mr. Obama will be a good president if he win this election because he is talent and good educated. However, we can not omit the racial discrimination inside of everyone. We know clearly the discrimination between North and South people still exists in every country, so the racial discrimination between black and other color is the bigger problem that affects thinking of people, especially its effect on voting this time.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Who is better in debate tonight?

Before the special debate event between two vice president nominees tonight, many opinions argue about between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden who will make a better debate to make the ticket for the next president. Carl Leubsdorf, a long-time Washington, D.C. political journalist and currently Washington Bureau Chief for the Dallas Morning News, gave his comment about Sarah Palin and Joe Biden Carl Leubsdorf: Sarah Palin's future at stake in VP debate. His tendency is on Biden and Democrat's side more than Palin and Republic although he states both candidate's weaknesses in this argument that Sarah Palin has less impact on this election and more on her long term political future while Joe Biden may bear a greater burden in whether this debate affects next moth's vote. He persuades his argument by showing evidences about the weakness of some vice presidents in the past such as George Bush, Dan Quayle, or Rep. Geraldine Ferraro who were fail in debate. However, he criticizes Mrs. Palin more weaknesses such as less experienced rival and she faces a far more difficult situation because of her apparent unfamiliarity with the details of many issues likely to come up...
I think many people will agree with his comment, especially Democrat's supporters because he has a long time experiences of political perception and many news on media had the same idea about Sarah Palin. However, I don't agree with his statement that she might yet be able to help the ticket and still criticism of Mr. McCain for picking her. Maybe this statement was right at the first time when Mr. McCain announced Palin is his vice president because that time many idea showed that she had less political experiences, but after that she makes McCain get more tickets from Hillary's supporters. She is talent, active and beautiful. She appeared in front of people with cheerful face and self confidence that will be worth in foreign affairs of the vice president's role. We didn't know Palin who was unknown governor in US politic, suddenly become a Republican vice president nominee and we will never know what will happen in the future. In my own opinion, England has a queen, Germany has a lady Prime Minister, and China had ever a queen, but why the United States still has sexism although our country' symbol is Liberty Lady?

Monday, September 15, 2008

US rivals react to economic woes

US election 2008 event is the heat of most of discussions at the present time. All of newspapers, television, radio,… bring news of this event, especially the competition between Republican nominee Mr. John McCain and Democrat nominee Mr. Barack Obama.
BBC has just posted the news
“US rivals react to economic woes” today – Sep 15th ,2008, in which tells us about US presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama have both called for reform of banking regulation following the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Mr. McCain blamed the problems at Lehman Brothers on "ineffective regulation and management". He called for "major reform" that would "replace the outdated and ineffective patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight in Washington and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street"; while Mr. Obama blamed "the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression" on "eight years of policies that have shredded consumer protections, loosened oversight and regulation, and encouraged outsized bonuses to CEOs while ignoring middle-class Americans".
I think many people who live in the United States, are paying attention to this news because the U.S. economy is currently slow down. Example some big companies likes Dell,… had to lay off thousands of workers that made a lot of working class’ people worried. So they will vote for one of two nominees who has the best plan for reform the economy that makes the United States get back the prosperous country in the next year.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let come to share your political opinions together!

Hi everybody! It is very interesting for me since this is the first time I have a chance to discuss and write about US political events for my US Government class on my weblog. I am happy to share my point of views and be shared your comments of US politics and government.

Welcome to my blog!