Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Burdens for the new government

It is not easy for Mr. Obama and his new government at the current time because they have to work a lot to help our country get out from the economic crisis.

We know that the Bush's government spent a lot of money from budget for the Iraq war in his terms and just spell out $700 millions to rescue the economic depression but it is not enough to overcome the current crisis. Besides, many American people loose their jobs because many business companies closed their production plans and moved to some other countries like China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia...Moreover, we have a lot of debts held partly by China that will affect the nation's security and the unemployment rate. Meanwhile inside our country, many banks cut down the loan for house and education that makes the disaster for real estate companies and students.

Mr. Obama has just been winner hardly to be the First black U.S. President and now he and his team in government continue to face with the external and internal crisis. He has some plans to deal with the economy and foreign policy such as providing tax cuts for vast of American people or withdraw troops from Iraq in 2011,... This is a huge test for his job and the burdens for his new government. Many American people are waiting for his change in economic policies that is the solution for current crisis.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Ron Paul is better?

My classmate - Steven Tran - wrote strong emotional article "We are doomed :(" about two candidates in last Vote 2008: Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. John McCain. He criticized that both of them are puppets, clowns, and evils. He also commentated President Bush is terrible. One thing makes me surprised when he voted for Mr. Ron Paul who is also old like McCain and lost in early primary vote.
I feel interested when I read his comment because his opinion is strong, bold and certain. I had the same confusion for two candidates. However, he didn't give us strong evidents why he thought both candidates are bad and why Mr. Ron Paul is better? that makes his critic less convincible.
I also disagree with him about ideas"we are forced to pick the lesser of the two evils" or "we are forced to live in a country where the majority of voters (a.k.a. majority of the nation's citizens) make uninformed decisions...". Majority of voters vote for Obama because they think he can make more profit than the other. We can vote for any candidate we like, no one can forced us except ourselves.